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Text 1 请求维修电脑

M: IT Department. How can I assist you?

W: My computer is giving me a lot of trouble. Could you help me with it, please?

M: OK, I just need to check on a couple of things.

1. What does the man do?

A. A computer technician.

B. A hotel receptionist.

C. A shop assistant.

【解析】A。推理判断题。考查职业。根据男士的话“IT Department. How can I assist you?”可知,他在IT部门工作。再根据女士的话可知,她的电脑给她带来很多麻烦并请男士帮忙。由此可推知,男士是一位IT技术员。

Text 2 洗衣服务

W: Hi, I’d like to have this blouse washed and pressed.

M: OK, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to collect it until next Friday. We’ve been very busy recently.

2. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At the grocer’s.

B. At the tailor’s.

C. At the cleaner’s.


Text 3 出行方式

W: What a journey! Air travel is more tiring than driving, I’m sure.

M: I don’t think you say that, if you’ve just driven 400 miles. Let’s come to Seattle by train next time. It’ll be more relaxing.

3. How did the speakers come to Seattle?

A. By plane.

B. By car.

C. By train.

【解析】A。事实细节题。根据女士的话“What a journey! Air travel is more tiring than driving, I’m sure.”可知,女士抱怨乘坐飞机出行比开车出行更累。男士说:如果你刚开了400英里,你就不会这样说了。并建议,下次乘火车去西雅图。三种出行方式均有提及,听清说话者想要表达的意思。

Text 4 商量晚餐

M: Could I have fried rice or noodles for dinner for a change? I don’t feel like steak today.

W: I’m in a hurry. I can’t cook two different meals today. Tomorrow you can have what you want.

M: Alright.

4. What will the speakers have for dinner today?

A. Fried rice.

B. Noodles.

C. Steak.


Text 5 Sophie焦虑

M: All well, Sophie?

W: Hmm. Not great. I’m just so down with writing this report.

M: Are you almost done with it?

W: Far from it. And I’ll get it represented in class tomorrow.

5. How is Sophie feeling now?

A. Confused.

B. Worried.

C. Disappointed.

【解析】B。观点态度题。根据Sophie的话“Not great. I’m just so down with writing this report.”可知,她现在不是很好。写报告实在太烦了。根据“And I’ll get it represented in class tomorrow.”可知,她在为明天课上的汇报感到担忧。

Text 6 打算邮寄生日卡

W: Richard, why are you taking everything out of your drawer?

M: I’m looking for a stamp, Sarah.

W: A stamp? What do you want a stamp for?

M: (7)I’ve written a letter to Aunt Vera. (6)And I want to put it in the post before midday.

W: Can you just email her?

M: Yeah. (7)But it’s her 70th birthday. Vera will be happy to get a real letter with a real birthday card.

6. What does the man want to do before noon?

A. Post a letter.

B. Make a card.

C. Write an email.

【解析】A。事实细节题。根据男士的话“And I want to put it in the post before midday.”可知,在中午之前,他想到邮局把信寄了。

7. Whose birthday is it?

A. Richard’s.

B. Sarah’s.

C. Vera’s.

【解析】C。事实细节题。根据对话中的关键信息“I’ve written a letter to Aunt Vera.”及“But it’s her 70th birthday. Vera will be happy to get a real letter with a real birthday card.”可知,Vera要过70岁生日了,男士想要给Vera寄一封带有生日贺卡的信。听力材料中出现的三个人名,注意辨别,Richard和Sarah是正在对话的两个人。

Text 7 申请补考

W: (8)Professor Brooks, I’m Vicky Comore in your European History class. Can I speak with you for a few minutes?

M: Sure. What can I help you with?

W: (9)Well, I was sick for two weeks. So I didn’t take the midterm exam. Could you give me another test?

M: Alright. You can take it next Thursday afternoon.

W: Thank you so much, Professor Brooks. Could I come to you at 3:30 after my English Literature class?

M: No problem.

8. What course does Professor Brooks teach?

A. Public Speaking.

B. European History.

C. English Literature.

【解析】B。事实细节题。根据Vicky在对话开头的话“Professor Brooks, I’m Vicky Comore in your European History class.”可知,Brooks教授欧洲历史课。

9. Why does Vicky come to talk with Professor Brooks?

A. To sign up for his course.

B. To ask for a make-up test.

C. To discuss her homework.

【解析】B。事实细节题。根据Vicky的话“Well, I was sick for two weeks. So I didn’t take the midterm exam. Could you give me another test?”可知,她这两周生病,没能参加期中考试,所以来询问Brooks教授能否让她再考一次。正确选项是对原文意思的提炼。make-up test意为补考。

Text 8 为戏剧制作服装

M: (10)Linda, you work on plays and shows but you are not on stage. What do you do?

W: (10)I’m a costume designer. I have the actors become their characters.

M: Is it a kind of, like, playing dresser?

W: A little bit. But I need to study the play to create the characters’ clothes, not just use my imagination.

M: How do you do that?

W: (11)I read the play and do research about the time and place of the story. If the story is set in the past, I might study old magazines or paintings. For plays set in now, I sometimes collect pictures of people on the street.

M: Then what do you do?

W: (12)I take my ideas and pictures to the director of the show. We talk about whether I’m on the right track. If it’s good, we will hire a tailor to make the costume.

M: Is it finished then?

W: Almost. We still need to try on the actor to make sure everything fits and looks good.

M: (13)Wow, it takes so many steps to make a costume.

W: (13)Yes, it does. I work with lots of different people to put it all together.

10. What does Linda do for plays and shows?

A. She gives actors advice.

B. She assigns roles to actors.

C. She designs actors’ clothes.

【解析】C。事实细节题。男士问Linda她从事戏剧和表演工作,具体是做什么的,根据Linda的回答“I’m a costume designer. I have the actors become their characters.”可知,她是戏剧服装设计师。

11. What does Linda need to research?

A. The setting of the story.

B. The decoration of the stage.

C. The names of the characters.

【解析】A。推理判断题。根据Linda的话“I read the play and do research about the time and place of the story.”可知,她需要研究故事发生的时间和地点,即故事的背景。

12. Who does Linda report her work to?

A. The director.

B. The editor.

C. The photographer.

【解析】A。事实细节题。根据Linda的话“I take my ideas and pictures to the director of the show.”可知,她需要把她的想法和收集的图片汇报给导演。

13. What does Linda say about her job?

A. It pays very well.

B. It requires team effort.

C. It involves frequent travel.

【解析】B。推理判断题。男士感叹Linda的工作有好多步骤,Linda表示同意,接着她说“I work with lots of different people to put it all together.”可知,她的工作需要和很多不同的人配合才能做好。正确选项是对原文的同义转述。

Text 9 分享艺术展观感

W: Hi Kevin. I’ve just got back from the Art Gallery. There’s a wonderful show of abstract art. You should have come with me.

M: (14)I don’t know. Abstract art seems like children’s painting to me.

W: Well, if you don’t understand what the artist is trying to communicate, it can seem a little like that.

M: What did you see then?

W: There were two paintings that impressed me most. The first is a huge one which I supposed the tree although it could have been anything.

M: What did you like about it?

W: Just the way the tree looked. (15)It was like the tree was made of hard metal, and the mix of white and gray made everything look like it was winter, freezing winter.

M: That’s something. What about the other one?

W: The second looked like a piece of grassland. All the grass was purple and red, (16)and there was green sky in the background. I looked at it and thought of summer.

M: Hmm, your description really teaches me something about appreciating abstract art. (17)Maybe I should go and give this show a try this Saturday.

W: You really should.

14. What does Kevin think of abstract art?

A. It has lasting artistic value.

B. It makes little sense to him.

C. It appeals mainly to children.

【解析】B。事实细节题。对话一开始,女士表示Kevin应该跟她一起去画展,根据Kevin的回复“I don’t know. Abstract art seems like children’s painting to me.”可知,他认为抽象艺术就像儿童的绘画。言外之意,对他毫无意义。正确选项是对原文意思的同义转述。

15. What impression did the first painting give the woman?

A. Hopefulness.  B. Nervousness.  C. Coldness.

【解析】C。推理判断题。根据女士的描述“It was like the tree was made of hard metal, and the mix of white and gray made everything look like it was winter, freezing winter.”可知,她感觉那棵树好像是用坚硬的金属做成的,白色和灰色的混合使一切看起来都像是寒冷的冬天。由此可推断出,这幅画给她的印象是寒冷。

16. What color was used for the background in the second painting?

A. Green.    B. Purple.   C. Red.

【解析】A。事实细节题。根据“and there was green sky in the background”可知,第二幅画的背景是绿色的天空。关于第二幅画提到了三种颜色,听录音时注意辨别关键信息。

17. What will Kevin probably do this Saturday?

A. Attend an art class.

B. Visit an exhibition.

C. Buy an abstract painting.

【解析】B。事实细节题。根据男士最后一句话“Maybe I should go and give this show a try this Saturday.”可知,在经过女士的一翻讲述后,他打算周六去参观画展。

Text 10 早间新闻播报

M: You are watching the morning news. This is Steven Johnson. Sydney and the New South Wales coast have been hit by heavy rains. Major roads, the airport, trains and buses were all thrown behind the schedule as more than a month’s worth of rain fell in just one hour during the morning rush. All traffic into city remains very heavy. (18)Pittwater Road is closed due to a car crash. Consider using Wicks Road instead. A police officer has been hurt assisting drivers in North Ryde. A woman is believed to have broken her leg after a tree fell on her car. (19)The roof of Town Hall Station has fallen in, causing delays for passengers. The rain is expected to be at its heaviest from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. Today a total of up to 200 millimeters rain is being forecast, along with damaging winds of more than 90 kilometers per hour to fall. (20)All road users are advised to reconsider the need to be on roads in such wild weather, and reschedule their day and continue on their journey after the rain stops.

18. What caused the closure of Pittwater Road?

A. A fallen tree.

B. A flooded river.

C. A car accident.

【解析】C。事实细节题。根据“Pittwater Road is closed due to a car crash.”可知,Pittwater路段因为汽车撞车事故,也就是车祸而关闭了。

19. What happened at Town Hall Station?

A. A police officer got hurt.

B. A passenger went missing.

C. The station roof was broken.

【解析】C。事实细节题。根据“The roof of Town Hall Station has fallen in, causing delays for passengers.”可知,市政厅车站的屋顶坍塌,造成乘客延误。原文中的fall in意为:(屋顶、天花板)塌陷,坍塌,对应正确选项中的broken。

20. What are road users advised to do?

A. Drive at low speed.

B. Postpone their trips.

C. Follow traffic signs.

【解析】B。推理判断题。根据“All road users are advised to reconsider the need to be on roads in such wild weather, and reschedule their day and continue on their journey after the rain stops.”可知,说话者建议所有道路使用者重新考虑在这种恶劣天气下上路的必要性,并重新安排行程,等雨停后继续上路。言外之意,道路使用者被建议推迟他们的行程。




